The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The coolest of the cool

Nancy Bhola

This time in the semester always gets me feeling quite nostalgic.’ It brings to mind my favorite things about this university.

So, without further ado, I bring you the coolest…
While at Northern, I have had my fair share of doozies, but, for the most part, I have had a slew of fantastic professors.’ The coolest professors I have had are Mika Wolfford and Andrew Miller.’ Mika Wolfford, also known as ‘Wolfford Sensei’ to those who have not had the pleasure of being her pupil (…or me), is Northern Kentucky University’s resident Japanese language professor.’ While I’m definitely not a pro at the language, I can honestly say that despite my lack of effort sometimes, I have definitely learned a lot from her.

Andrew Miller, fondly known as ‘Andy’ by some of his students, is an English professor.’ He teaches courses ranging from the honors class ‘Supermen & Wonder Women’ to Creative Fiction Writing to Greek and Roman Mythology.’ He’s a cool professor because he actually cares about his students.’ He works with you if you have issues or have trouble understanding something, but he is definitely not a professor who lets his students walk all over him.’ He makes me laugh – usually not because he is funny (which he is), but largely because he laughs at his own jokes.

Food place:
The coolest food place at NKU is more of a beverage place.’ The Steely Cafe within Steely Library is my most-frequented dining location at NKU.’ I like it more than Starbucks and you can get normal food there now. (Soup or a sandwich with my Caramel Machiatto?’ Yes, please.)

Service offered by NKU:
There is a service offered by NKU that I don’t think many people know about, and it is definitely cool.’ It is a program called the ‘Lending Library.” This service is offered by the Early Alert program in the Student Achievement Center, University Center 120.’ Qualifying students are able to ‘rent’ one textbook for the semester, which, depending on the book, can be a real money-saver.’ (Anything that keeps me from spending more money is cool in my book.)

Thing to happen this semester:
It was pretty cool when NKU Regents approved the new general education requirements. Starting next fall, even current students will have the option to follow the new gen-ed guidelines, saving us all a lot of time, money and energy we could be spending on our majors.’ It is cool to make life easier.

Program at NKU:
I love that NKU has such an accessible study abroad program.’ It would be cool to visit another country and get credit for it. Hopefully while I am still a student here (for the next 100 years) I am able to take advantage of this fantastic program.’

NKU has 18 exchange universities from around the world for long-term study abroad opportunities.’ NKU also offers Alternative Spring Breaks, Winter and Summer sessions. There are at least 16 scholarships available for students wishing to study abroad as well.