I hate when I lose something. I hate it even more when I realize I lost something at a place where I probably will not get it back again.
There are those rare occasions, however, when somebody calls you and says that he or she had found your lost item and returned it.
I’m not bragging, but when I find something I usually go to great lengths to make sure that person gets it back.
I was pleasantly surprised this week as I scrolled through the police reports to find somebody on campus had done something nice themselves.
A person in Lucas Administrative Center lost a purse. This could have been bad for that person.
But an upstanding Northern Kentucky University community member walked by and picked the purse up and turned it in. If in the wrong hands, it may have never returned to its owner.
This is to you, purse-finder: thank you. I only hope that the next time I lose something, you find it.