The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Driving in the snow (Editorial)

Waiting until 9:30 to cancel classes is bullshit. It is unfair to the professors and students, not to mention all the students who did make it to class, despite the slick roads, nervous drivers and the snow piling up on the highway.

At around 9:00, according to, there were 242 school and business closings and about 20 winter storm advisories. But had NKU cancelled yet? No. In past Northerner articles, NKU has been hailed for always being open, despite the weather, slick roads or anything else winter can throw our way, but I think that the heads of NKU seem to forget that not everyone lives on campus or in the Highland Heights area. It even says on NKU’s website that 90% of NKU’s 14,000 students commute. So what does that figure out to? About 12,600 commuter students.

Two of my friends were in wrecks this morning trying to get to class. A girl I know drove over an hour from Indiana to be in class at 9:25 and was told at 9:30 that classes had been cancelled.

I live on campus, so it’s a bit easier for me. I can walk to class and my math professor is pretty awesome and gave everyone who showed up today extra credit. So, no harm done to me, but what about other students? What’s a mom with three kids supposed to do when their classes are cancelled, but hers are not?

It is also unfair to the students who used their better judgment and stayed home. How? Well, today after I was dismissed from class, I heard two professors talking in the hallway about how another professor was still giving a test even though less than half the class was in attendance. And what about the rest of the class? They were going to be told “Sorry, you weren’t here.” How is that fair?

I understand that a lot goes into calling off classes at a university. But I have always thought that going to university is supposed to teach you to think for yourself, but nobody here at NKU seems to want to practice what they preach to us in the classrooms. Few here, students included, seem to want to take responsibility for anything and it doesn’t matter who it is, the situation or anything else you factor in.

NKU’s commercials talk about how they’re raising “leaders” but they fail to be leaders when more than a grade is at risk.

Editorial by Betina Kemker