SGA continues initiatives to ensure campus safety

Jake Anderson created JumpSeat with Rachel Clark with the hopes of bringing community together with a cleaner online interface than other platforms like OrgSync.

Will Weber, president of the Student Government Association, along with the student body set goals to repair campus grounds, as well as make NKU a safer environment, during SGA’s annual safety walk.

“Less talking, more doing,” Weber said.

Weber, who serves not only as the SGA president, but is also a member of the board of regents, led his executive board, and allowed SGA members a chance to get to know the campus they serve.

After their weekly meeting on Oct.10, SGA divided into three groups that split to different areas around residential halls and campus grounds.

The annual safety walk allows SGA to gain perspective on the university’s progress for keeping NKU safe and  also sets forth new ideas on how to improve safety in regards to campus grounds and residential areas.

“SGA gets a chance to bring students out and look at what plans are being made to create a better NKU,” Weber said.

Sami Dada, junior communication and organizational leadership major and SGA member, mentioned seeing a few minor fixes, which included potholes, not enough wheelchair access, landscape touch ups, and small lighting changes but nothing ‘too dramatic.’

To get these issues fixed, he said it’s important for SGA to document the safety hazards to administration and the rest of the SGA board.

The Student Government Association took their annual fall safety walk after their weekly meeting on Oct. 10.
Emily Sherry
The Student Government Association took their annual fall safety walk after their weekly meeting on Oct. 10.

“SGA can make a change for the path every student walks on a daily basis at NKU,” Dada said. “I love doing this. Most of the time administration doesn’t see the small parts of campus that need work. SGA is made up of students that walk the same path as the rest of the student body.”

This was the first safety walk of the year, according to Weber, and it allowed SGA to get a ‘foot in the door’ for the spring semester. He said the goal is to pay attention to small details that could potentially be an issue later in the school year.

Isaac Bailey, sophomore communications and public relations double major as well as senator for SGA, took the safety walk for his second time.

Bailey attended last year’s night Walk for Safety, and the university ended up changing parking lot lights before the fall semester of 2016 because of issues that were brought up during the walk.

“We make this open for everyone,” Bailey said. “The more people the better and the closer we get to the opinions of the student body.”