NKU PD: No clowns creeping around on campus

PD: No present threat to campus community

A social media post Monday night from a clown-related Twitter account sent the NKU campus community into a frenzy.

But NKU police said they did not find evidence of any clowns on campus Monday night.

Interim Police Chief John Gaffin said officers were very present around Callahan Hall and other residential areas.

“No one themselves had seen a clown,” Gaffin said. “It was always the friend of a friend of a friend… our staff were very visible last night.

“They were out in our residential areas. We didn’t see anything, and like I said, we didn’t get any reports that anyone had seen anything themselves.”

He said he received a couple calls Tuesday morning from individuals asking for an escort to their car or dorm room. Gaffin said the police department is glad to fulfill these requests.

Gaffin said he is aware that students were out searching for clowns, and he wants students to know that they should leave that kind of work to the police department.

“It’s generally probably not a good idea to confront someone under those circumstances,” Gaffin said. “If they do… and not just related to a clown… if the community sees something that concerns them, we’d rather them call us and let us approach and address that situation.

“That’s why we’re here. There’s no need for someone to put themselves in a dangerous situation.”

Gaffin reiterated that there is no present threat to the campus community, but if anyone feels unsafe at any time, the police department will facilitate various requests.