UPDATE: Kim Turner named temporary replacement for Peter Gitau

President Geoffrey Mearns has appointed Kim Turner, current assistant vice president for student support and business operations, as interim vice president of student affairs after Peter Gitau’s resignation March 16.

“Kim is a member of the senior leadership team of the division, and she will provide steady and consistent leadership during the interim time,” Means wrote in an email to the division of student affairs April 1.

Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Peter Gitau resigned Monday, March 16 through an email for unknown reasons, according to NKU officials in the office of student affairs, 

In his email he reportedly stated that he would officially resign on June 30, 2015. Gitau said he would continue to work for the university until then but not be present on campus.

“I am grateful to Dr. Gitau for his service to the University, and I wish him success in his future endeavors,” Mearns said.

Gitau came to NKU on April 1, 2013 and was responsible for all student support services. He also serves on the president’s operations team, executive team and cabinet.

This story was originally published March 18.

Continue to follow The Northerner as this story develops.