The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Final VP Student Affairs candidate talks with NKU

Vice President Student Affairs candidate spoke with faculty, students and administrators at an open meeting on Thursday afternoon. Terry Hogan, vice president of Student Affairs at the University of Northern Iowa, answered questions and asked a few of his own at the meeting held in the Otto M. Theatre in the University Center.

Hogan, an Ohio native, started off the meeting with some humor commenting on the attendee’s seating choices saying, “I brought gifts from Northern Iowa for anyone who sat in the front row.” Needless to say, no one received a gift.

As the audience got comfortable, Hogan introduced himself, describing his career of student affairs, which began in 1978. Hogan previously was Associate Vice President and Dean of Students at Ohio University and held other positions there for over 20 years until he relocated and took his current position at the University of Northern Iowa in 2007. He currently lives in Cedar Falls, Iowa with his wife Debbie and two children, both of which have graduated college.

Hogan sought out the NKU position after the President of University of Northern Iowa, a close friend, announced his retirement. Hogan felt that this was his time to move back to this area to be closer to family.

Hogan described some of his core concepts for his plans for his past, current, and future students affairs work. He stressed that student access, support, learning, engagement and success are extremely important. He said, “Students need to be able to advance themselves.”

Hogan spent a great deal of time talking about how important it is that student’s feel that they have had a successful higher education experience. He bases this success off of the amount of time students take to graduate, their ability to get a job after graduation, and their overall satisfaction with life post-degree.

Hogan also touched on the importance of first year programs for students. He expanded on his work in this area by revealing that his biggest accomplishment while in his position at University of Northern Iowa was how he prompted the university to study first year success by creating a first year and retention counsel.

Towards the end of the meeting, Hogan spoke about his work with creating a more diverse environment while in his position at University of Northern Iowa. Hogan has been involved in the subject of diversity for his entire career and believes that “students need to be educated to be able to live and work in an environment with people who are different from themselves.”

Toward the end of the meeting audience members took the chance to voice what they would want to see from Hogan as Vice President of Student Affairs at NKU. One person responded that Hogan should be visible in his involvement and be around the students so they feel connected to him. Another audience member suggested helping to build institutional pride among NKU students and alumni.

Hogan seemed comfortable and at home answering questions and seemed genuinely interested in the common interest of NKU. Hogan really showed that the happiness and success of the students are one of his top priorities.

Provost Gail Wells responded when asked what stood out to her as a reason why Hogan would be a good fit for NKU: “His collaboration with academic affairs and student affairs to offer student support.”