The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

A few resolutions remain for SGA

The semester is coming to a close, and Northern Kentucky University’s SGA is continuing work on resolutions up until the last minute. At the April 16 meeting, the student senate passed four resolutions, and this time, all were not agreed on unanimously.
A resolution asking the university to extend library hours until 2 a.m., two hours past the current closing time, received two abstentions during the vote. It is more common for the senate to pass resolutions unanimously.
The remaining three resolutions were approved without any oppositions or abstentions.

After passing, a resolution asking for membership to the game room in the Student Union will move on to the faculty senate for another vote. A resolution to add a handicap-accessible pathway to the Honors House will also move to the faculty senate. The university is also being asked to increase funding to the Student Retention Awards, an award that provides a one-time financial aid bonus to students in need.

With an increase in funding, the Student Retention Awards, presented by the Student Achievement Center, would be able to assist more people and award higher and more frequent dollar amounts, according to Sen. Jeanne Spaulding.

Spaulding said in 2011, the Student Achievement Center received about 800 requests for assistance and was able to fill 88 of those requests. Recipients of the awards are allowed $1,200 and are only allowed the award one time. If funding is increased, the award will be able to go to more people with a higher maximum monetary value.

In SGA’s final weeks at NKU, the senate will vote on one more resolution, as well as honorary resolutions, according to President Dustin Robinson. Robinson, who is leaving his seat as president after graduating in May, will host a banquet for the students, as well as a chance to swear in the incoming members.

Robinson will be succeeded by Sophomore Erik Pederson as president, whose vice president is sophomore Allen Hornung. For a full list of the incoming senators and executive board members, visit SGA’s website