The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Senate pushes new legislation

After all members attended the final student forum with the final candidate for Northern Kentucky University’s president, SGA met for their weekly meeting April 9. A final push for resolutions is coming in; the most recent meeting included five new resolutions.

According to President Dustin Robinson, the April 9 meeting included the majority of new resolutions that will round out his presidency. In the next three weeks, the student senate will vote on the remaining resolutions to “keep that agenda clear,” he said.

Five different resolutions made it to the table for a first reading. In first readings, the senators are able to make amendments and suggestions to the resolutions, but the official voting does not happen until after a second reading.

The upcoming resolutions are focused on an extension of library hours, adding a membership option to the Student Union game room, disclosing course evaluations to students, constructing a handicap accessible pathway to the Honors House, and an increase in funding to the Student Retention Award.

SGA also asked for extended library hours, which were implemented during exam week in fall 2011. This resolution, presented by Sen. Brad Rogers, asks the university to extend closing time by two hours to “allow students more opportunity to complete their assignments and excel by utilizing the benefits of the library.”

The resolution, introduced by Sen. David Trump, that addressed disclosing course evaluations to students was tabled until the next meeting because Trump did “not like this resolution” in its current state. The updated resolution will be read again at the senate’s next meeting.

Sen. Jeanne Spaulding presented the final resolution, which requests more funding for the Student Retention Award. The award provides financial aid to students who are in dire circumstances and are unable to pay their tuition. Currently, the award is funded with $50,000 to distribute to students.

Spaulding, who also was a recipient of the award, said the award requires certain qualifications and in most cases, students can receive up to $1,200 in financial aid.
To honor the recently retired Norse women’s basketball coach Nancy Winstel, SGA also unanimously passed an honorary resolution honoring her time at NKU.

In their upcoming meetings, SGA will focus on voting on all resolutions and finishing up the year with a banquet and appointing all newly elected members into the senate.