The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

SGA seeking senators again

The Student Government Association returned from winter break with a full schedule for the upcoming spring semester. A branding campaign is on the way, as well as four more senator seat openings and a spot for a new chief justice.

President Dustin Robinson announced that over the break, four senators resigned from SGA due to personal and scheduling reasons. The search is also under way for a new chief justice. Current chief justice Abby Gross served four semesters, which is the maximum time a justice can sit on the board.
The new chief justice will be appointed at the next meeting on Jan. 23, according to Robinson.

Recently appointed Secretary for Public Relations Chanell Karr is working to re-brand SGA to better serve the student body. She said a new logo is in the works and video blogs on SGA’s website will be implemented.

Karr is also using the Student Union to set up tables and provide information to students about SGA.
The first resolution of the new year was also announced; it is an effort to increase recycling on campus. Senator Clayton Castle read through the first reading of the resolution, which requests the university “add recycling bins next to every trash receptacle where there are not currently any located.”

After some debate, Castle made it clear that this resolution was geared toward outdoor recycling, as opposed to inside, where there are more opportunities to recycle.
The resolution will be re-read and up for passing at the organization’s meeting at 3:30 p.m. Jan. 23 in Student Union 104.