The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Senators continue to say their goodbyes

This semester, Student Government Association senators have been resigning at a rate unlike other recent years for the organization. So far, a total of 10 senators and executive board members have resigned from SGA.

These resignations are happening during one of the SGA’s slowest starting terms. This year, the organization has passed six resolutions — two of which were not developmental, but either honorary or an endorsement. In the 2010-11 academic year, the organization passed 11 total resolutions.
The main reason given in each senator’s formal resignation, if one was stated, was a time commitment issue. Of the 10 resignations, four stated time commitment as their reason for leaving, three did not specify a reason, one student transferred out of Northern Kentucky University, one did not enroll in classes this semester, and one is graduating in December.

Ron Burse, junior public relations major, resigned from SGA on Oct. 19 via email to President Dustin Robinson. For Burse, who is also the Activities Programming Board director and head Student Orientation leader, there was not enough time for him to commit to all three positions, he said.
Because both the Activities Programming Board director and Student Orientation leader are paid positions and in the same field that Burse wants to enter after graduation, he said remaining with those positions was a better opportunity for him.

Although Burse is no longer an SGA member, he stays as informed about and involved in the organization as he can, and he said his resignation is “nothing against SGA.”

Other senators, like Austin Green and current Secretary for Public Relations Michelle Forlenza, stated class conflicts with the weekly and mandatory SGA meeting as their reason for leaving.

Green resigned April 28 before the fall semester began. In contrast, Forlenza announced her resignation at the Nov. 14 meeting, though she plans to finish the fall semester as secretary for public relations.

Both students said they plan to run for a senator position again in the upcoming semester’s elections. If elected, their term will begin in fall 2012.
After the election in spring 2011, Roya Headley transferred out of NKU to attend the University of Kentucky, automatically removing her from her position in the senate, according to Robinson. Daniel Morales was also automatically removed from the senate after he did not enroll in classes and did not respond to Robinson’s and Dean of Students Jeff Waple’s attempts at contacting him.

Josh Moermond submitted his formal resignation letter to Robinson Sept. 11, stating he was “unable to carry out the responsibilities of my office in a manner that is consistent with the purposes for which I took this position.” Moermond declined further comment about his resignation.
General Bowen and Christopher Sudbrink did not provide a reason in their formal resignations to Robinson. Both students also did not respond to multiple attempts at contact.

Sudbrink was appointed to the senate as part of the first round of appointments this academic year. After three unexcused absences, Sudbrink made his resignation formal Nov. 14.

Although not a senator, current legislative liaison Danielle Hawks announced her plans for an early graduation in December, making her ineligible to fill the position in the spring. Hawks stated in her announcement to SGA at the Nov. 14 meeting that her decision to graduate early was because of “a very personal family problem.”

Because of the resignations, SGA has held one application and appointment process this year, in which five senators were added to the organization. After three more resignations after those appointments, three more senators will be appointed at SGA’s Nov. 28 meeting.

Applications for the upcoming appointments were due on Nov. 14; and according to Robinson, nine applications were received.
For the spring semester, SGA will be looking for three more positions — one senator, one legislative liaison and one secretary for public relations.