The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Judicial Council: Election void

The Student Government Association’s Judicial Council on April 24 decided that the best way to settle the election is to hold another election.

The council is composed of Chief Justice Sheree Davis, Wendy Creekmore, and Stanley Strouss.

No time and place has yet been set for when the new election will be held.

In an official statement from the Judicial Council, the reason for the new election is that the council felt that candidates Kaseke and Chaney did not do everything they could to maintain a secret ballot.

The secret ballot is a rule in the Spring 2009 Election Guidelines that states, ‘all efforts shall be made to retain the right of secret ballot.’

Candidates Kaseke and Chaney were accused of violating the secret ballot, when Kaseke set up lap tops in Norse Hall, and according to witnesses, was forcing students to vote.

Current SGA President Gabe Cronon fells that the best decsion was made.

‘When I began to hear some of the testimonies, yes, I think that the students, whatever their opinion maybe be, do deserve the right to a clean, and fair and ethical election,’ Cronon said.

Vice Presidential Candidate Dennis Chaney disagreed.

‘We felt the decision wasn’t the right decision,’ Chaney said, ‘We are writing an appeal right now.’

Appeals can be filed within ten days of the decision made.

Under the constitution of the SGA, the council can disqualify or void an election if there is evidence of violations.

At the beginning of the election, all candidates were given the rules’ that needed to be followed and signed by all participants in the election.

The election will include all positions: Executive, Senate, Judicial Council and the proposed SGA Constitution will be on the new ballot, as well. The statement goes on to say that since it was not only the President and Vice President positions that were affected, but all other executive positions.

The Judicial Council has proposed to Dean Waple that the election rules and guidelines be revised, so that candidates will be urged to use caution involving the secret ballot. In the future,they also urge those running in the new election to use caution while voters are casting their ballot and recommend that they maintain a safe distance from voters.

‘Our university is suffering because of the decisions of the parties that were found to have wrong doings in the election,’ Cronon said.