With an unpopular war, an economy and environment in crisis and an over-dependence on foreign oil, President-elect Barack Obama was elected on a platform that mainly appealed to the youth vote: Hope and change. The youth vote may have been the key to Obama’s victory. Voters ages 18 to 25 turned out in record droves, many for the first time, voting mostly Democratic. According to Melissa Dahl of MSNBC, young voters preferred Obama over John McCain by 68 percent to 30 percent.
“I am really proud that so many people voted. I don’t know the official stats, but those were some high numbers,” said Alex Day, a senior EMB major. .
In the historic 2008 presidential election, Obama beat McCain in a landslide with 364 electoral votes to McCain’s 163 electoral votes. With 57 percent of the country focused on the current economic crisis, perhaps the results portrayed how the country felt Obama was more qualified to tackle the economy than McCain.
How do NKU students affect these statistics? In a state that is consistently red, it would be surprising to see if these youth voters stood behind Obama or the GOP. Most Northern Kentucky University students are proud that they voted, no matter the outcome. NKU graduate Jennifer Ritchie said that she is so relieved that Obama won the election. She said she believes Obama is the hope America needs now more than ever.
“He brings so much hope with talks of change and new ideas,” Ritchie said.
Ginny Moser, a senior public relations major, agrees with Ritchie.
“I personally wanted Obama as my president,” Moser said. “I mean, to hear his acceptance speech gave me chills and hope for the first time.”
Hope seems to be the key component to this year’s historic election. Many people are tired of the policies of President Bush and are ready for a change.
The war in Iraq was one of the key issues for NKU students. For six years they have seen soldiers, many of whom are young themselves, fall in the line of duty. Students want their friends or family members home safe.
One of Obama’s campaign promises was to bring home all U.S. troops within 16 months.
“I hope he listens to the people and what they want, since that is what our country is all about,” Day said.
On Nov. 4, 2008 the people spoke. Their message rang clear throughout the country and Barack Obama represents the change they wish to see.