The good
Fewer U.S. teenagers are getting pregnant, reported April 14. In 2004, only 38 percent of pregnant women were younger than 25, down six percentage points from 1990. Only 12 percent of the pregnancies belonged to teens, down from 15 percent in 1990.
The bad
Congressman Geoff Davis referred to Barack Obama as a ‘boy’ during a speech on Saturday in Boone County. The term is considered offensive when used to describe black men. Davis has since apologized for the remark.
The weird
Police in Billings, Wyo., arrested a man after they say he brandished a weapon in a hotel lobby wearing only his birthday suit, reported April 14. The man had been allegedly roaming the halls, knocking on guests’ doors and looking for his room. Then, authorities say he went to the front desk, where he remained until police arrested him.