With the changing weather and the extended winter break, crews have kept on schedule to finish most of the construction projects on campus.
According to Larry Blake, assistant vice president of Facilities Management, the Bank of Kentucky Center has not had any major issues with construction.
He added that they are still planning to hold the May commencement in the Bank of Kentucky Center, which is set to be fully operational in August or September.
The building is currently closed up to the elements and the heat has been turned on, Blake noted.
“Finishes are being applied,” he said. “Electrical, plumbing and some finish work is underway.”
Across the street from the Bank of Kentucky Center, a new parking garage is well underway and expected to be completed in time for May Commencement.
Blake said the garage will add 876 spaces, which includes some surface parking around the garage.
A new welcome center and parking operations office will be located on the north side facing Nunn Drive, which are to be completed later this summer, Blake added.
Another area that has not had to deal with any significant construction problems is the Student Union.
The building is scheduled to open in concert at the beginning of fall 08, Blake said.
He added that move in, system shakedown and final cleaning will begin in mid-June.
As for upcoming projects set for Northern Kentucky University, Blake said there is nothing significant is currently pending.
He added that they are about to start architect selection for the new $35.5 million informatics building, which is about 12 to 18 months from design completion.