SHEILA’s “DIRE WOLF” stands in the center of the Main Gallery. Barbara Schuchter’s “Familiar Creatures” and Lisa Flick’s “Truth ‘ Consequence: A Visual Study of Environmental Issues” hang on the walls behind. The second round of senior exhibitions opened Nov. 29 in both the Third Floor and Main art galleries. The show features a variety of Northern Kentucky University student work including photography, painting and scultpture. For all the student artists, the senior show marks the final NKU milestone before graduation.
Student Artists and Shows Monika Hanlon: CATASTROPHY Christopher Roach: Nude Family Portrait SHEILA: DIRE WOLF Natasha Kay Gaynor: eX Lisa Flick: Truth ‘ Consequence Alissa Gilly: Happy Trails Joshua Buchwald: BAD TO THE BONE DUATHLON Barbara Schuchter: Familiar Creature Gen Hundley: The Diary of G for Gendetta Bettina Adams: Efflorescence Nicole Jones: After Hours