The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Report: UP liquor law arrests up in ’06


The number of arrests for liquor and drug law violations increased in 2006 from the previous year, but judicial referrals for the offenses decreased, according to the annual Clery crime report by the University Police.

The mandatory report is part of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act, which requires universities to disclose information on the crime that occurs on or near their campuses.

UP Chief Harold Todd said though some of these numbers have increased, he’s still very pleased with the campus crime – or lack of – at NKU.

“I’m quite happy the way the numbers stack up against each other,” he said.

Liquor law violation arrests topped NKU’s Clery Report with the biggest increase. In 2004, the university reported seven violations, but only one in 2005. However, in 2006 UP made 42 arrests on campus for the violations. The violations are reported when students who are over 21 are caught with alcohol on campus and are arrested or issued citations to appear in court.

“Like any university, we’re going to have alcohol and drug problems,” Todd said. “That comes with the territory.”

At Western Kentucky University, such arrests went from seven in 2005 to 20 in 2006. And at Eastern Kentucky University, the numbers increased from 14 to 38.

At NKU, the arrests for drug law violations increased from eight to 16 and at WKU from 21 to 29, whereas EKU decreased from 60 to 35 from 2005 to 2006.

Judicial referrals for liquor law violations, students who are under 21 and caught with alcohol on campus, decreased from 60 to 40 at NKU and at WKU from 213 to 130. At EKU, however, judicial referrals increased from 279 to 319.

Todd credits the increase on NKU’s campus to a possible increase in reporting from either University Housing or from students themselves.

“We know there’s a whole lot of alcohol back there (in the residence halls) and it’s not something we go looking for,” Todd said.

Pete Trentacoste, interim director for University Housing, said there haven’t been any changes in policy for the residential halls. He also said he has noticed an increase in students being outside, which may have led to more liquor law violation arrests in 2006.

The number of burglaries on NKU’s campus also increased slightly from five in 2005 to eight in 2006.

“That’s not a big increase,” Todd said. “Look at other universities, they may have 60 or 70.”

At the university’s sister schools, the numbers were much higher. WKU reported 54 burglaries and 14 aggravated assaults; EKU had 49 burglaries and two assaults. NKU reported zero assaults for 2006.

The number of forcible sex offenses, including rape, and the number of arsons on campus both stayed the same with one reported in both 2005 and 2006, according to the report.

“On average, our crime statistics show our campus is very safe,” Todd said.