I am sorry to inform everyone, but school has officially started. I know, it’s hard to admit and to come to terms with the fact that the break we had, short as it was, is now over.
Where did the time go? For me, it was spent with family for the first few days, then the holidays, which in itself is an exhausting event. Then, the day after Christmas, it was a whirlwind trip to Paris.
Have no fear; I didn’t meet any terrorists or hijackers on the flight to Paris or on the way home. I went with my mom and my sister and for the most part it was an uneventful trip.
I’ve spoken French for about eight years, and this time to Paris would make it my fourth trip.
I bet you’re wondering why I like to go over there so much, especially at a time when many Americans and French don’t like each other.
We have a friend who lives in Paris who just had baby, and it’s cheaper to fly in the winter.
But those aren’t the only reasons. I must confess that I actually like the French. I’m sure some of you are thinking I should burn in hell, but honestly, the people are always pleasant to me when I visit. I have none of those horror stories about people being rude. I always have fun, and I can’t wait to go back.
The only thing about the trip that I never like is the flight. It always feels like it takes forever. Sitting in a chair without any room to maneuver is not exactly what I would call a fun time, but my word of advice if you ever decide to travel is just to take something to help you sleep. I’ve never done it but this time I did, and I was grateful.
Trust me, you don’t want to end up like my sister.
She couldn’t sleep the whole flight over, and sitting in a plane with everyone else is sleeping and your mom is gently snoring is not a pleasurable experience. She made a point to inform us of how insanely jealous she was that we actually got sleep and she didn’t.
What did we do once we got off the plane? After I lit up a cigarette, we got our luggage and chilled with my friend for the whole week.
After that, I have to say the most unfortunate thing is that we missed out on all the bars. I’m sure my mom would love to see me in my element. We spent the rest of the time eating, drinking wine, smoking cigarettes and visiting a museum here and there.
I did see the Eiffel Tower in its splendor, lit up with festive lights to celebrate the holiday season. That was nice.
So as I buy my notebooks, books, and pens, and try to keep my New Year’s resolution (knocking off all those pounds), the one thing that will get me through this semester is thinking about my trip.
I hope your break went just as well, and if things start to get rough this semester think about the good times you have when you’re not in school.
I have a feeling that you’ll be fine and you’ll persevere throughout the year.