Tailgate tips off basketball season The annual “Tip-off Tailgate” opened the Norse basketball season Nov. 21. Members of the campus community arrived to show off their team spirit before Northern Kentucky University took on Gannon in the first game of the season. Campus Recreation sponsored the event, which included food, drinks, contests and give-aways.
Librarians can answer questions instantly Steely Library now offers instant messaging with librarians so students can get questions answered right away. The service can be found at http://library.nku.edu/ask/ Monday-Thursday 7-9 p.m. and Friday 2-3 p.m. In-depth questions may still require students to visit the information desk in the library. Consultations with librarians are available upon request.
WMS debuts new Web site The Women’s Studies Program launched its new and improved Web site Nov. 20. It features information about departmental events, course offerings and contact information. Also on the Web site are tools for faculty, including a lending library list and on-line work request. Visit http://www.nku.edu/~wms/index.html.
Book drive winds down The Student Education Association will hold the final days of its Holiday Book Drive Dec. 3 and 4. Students may drop off new or slightly used children’s books or monetary donations in the University Center and Business Education Psychology building lobbies from noon until 1 p.m. The books will be distributed to children at Covington elementary and middle schools. Students who donate will be entered in a drawing for prizes.
Research misconduct report available Steely Library now offers two copies of the Investigative Report Findings from the Ad Hoc Investigative Committee on Research Misconduct on reserve for public use. The report, published in August, details the research misconduct of finance professors Anju and Balasubramani Ramjee. Others in the investigation include economics professor Richard Snyder, and faculty members Shailendra Verma and Louis Noyd. Committee members found the professors committed numerous instances of “fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or serious deviations from accepted practices.” The investigation includes 23 published research papers , according to the report.