The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Miller wants more SGA action

My name is Thomas “Scott” Miller; I am running in the Spring 2003 Student Government Association elections for the office of vice president of Academic and Student Affairs.

From the first moment I came to Northern Kentucky University I have been deeply involved with many organizations.

I am a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and hold office as social chair for that organization.

I am also vice president for the position of senator on SGA.

Upon entering that organization I served on the committee for Grievances and Affirmative Action.

The responsibility of this committee is to hear problems voiced from the student body of this university.

Well, I have a grievance with Student Government. The fact is SGA is too lazy right now.

Not only did this committee not hear any grievances from the student body, we never had a single sit-down meeting as a group.

Until learning from another senator, I didn’t even know what this committee did.

This laziness and inability to get things accomplished is going to stop after this election!

I have teamed up with Mr. Andy Hixson, a member and the vice president for the College Republicans, past SGA senator and member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.

With this team, and help from other current candidates in the upcoming election, I assure you, the students, that not only will we stop the laziness but we will work harder to get things accomplished for the students!

If elected, this team will work to make sure that there are no more 16 percent tuition increases, and make sure that we move up from last on the list for funding of the eight state universities.

Of all the state-funded schools in Kentucky not only are we last in money that we receive, but we are also under funded by $26 million according to the state Council for Post-Secondary Education.

There are two other things that are also of great importance to you, the students.

This cabinet, if elected, will do everything in its power to get the ball rolling on Greek housing that will be funded by the Greek community.

The other problem that we face also has to do with funding.

The Northern Kentucky metropolitan area has no arena type venue large enough to house any type of event. Our graduation even has to be held in Cincinnati.

This topic was discussed this week at the gubernatorial candidates forum here on campus.

There were several remarks regarding this funding and most of them were quite positive.

I can assure you that we will do everything we can to stay on Frankfort’s back to get an event center built within the next three to five years.