NKUs spring phonathon raised $200,000 this year. Marina Harper, director of Annual Giving at NKU, manages the phonathon, where students and alumni make calls to alumni to ask for donations.
The phonathon is conducted two times a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Over the years, student callers have significantly increased the funds raised.
The money raised at the phonathons goes toward the annual fund. This fund supports all areas and organizations at NKU. “Every corner of the university is touched by the annual fund,” said Harper. Donators decide which campus organization their donation goes to.
Harper said she will begin hiring for the fall phonathon. The phonathon is held on campus in the Lucas Administrative Center on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Students work from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and get paid $7 an hour. In fall of 2003, the phonathon will run from Sept. 7 through Oct. 30. Students can work to earn money for their own use or work the hours and contribute the money to the campus organization of their choice.
Keena Neal, a senior sociology student, says she enjoys working at the phonathon. “I like helping NKU because the school has helped me a lot,” she said. She believes it’s a good experience and finds that the alumni are generous and interested in being informed on how NKU is progressing.
Harper said many of the alumni are willing to give back to NKU because of the education they received.
The value of their degree increases if NKU is able to continuously improve its prestige through new resources made possible with the help of the money they donate.
According to Harper, there are three streams of revenue for the university: tuition (covering 50 percent), government and state funding, and private funding and donations (such as the phonathon).
She said it’s important to maintain contact with the alumni and that their generous donations help keep tuition low.
There is anywhere between six to 15 people who work each night, said Neal. To keep things exciting, Harper will hold a “lucky draw” each night in which she draws out the name of a person working, who receives a gift certificate.
“The phonathon is an exciting way for students to bring in money for themselves and for the school,” said Harper.
If interested in becoming a part of the phonathon, students should contact Harper. After describing the job and the phonathon, she will set up a short, in-person interview. If she finds the job suitable for the student, they will receive a hire confirmation letter with the dates that the student can work. If too many people sign up to work, there is the possibility of being placed on a waiting or substitute list.
Marina Harper can be contacted at the LA 503, by phone at (859) 572-6503 or at harperma@nku.edu.