Burhan Mohamedali is the first international student from Northern Kentucky University to get into medical school.
He received his acceptance to the University of Kentucky on Oct. 15, 2002. He is still looking at other schools
It has been a lifelong ambition for Mohamedali to become a doctor. He said he wants to be a good doctor and help people wherever there is a need for medical attention. Getting into medical school is a great achievement for him and he is absolutely delighted about this opportunity.
Mohamedali is from Arusha, Tanzania. He is the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs of Student Government, President of International Student Union, and also external relations officer of African Student Union. He found NKU by using a random Internet search about four years ago.
In January of 2003, it will be Mohamedali’s third year at NKU. He will graduate in May of 2003 with a Bachelors of Science in Biology and minor in chemistry.
“I chose NKU because of its tuition, size, locality, the state, and it’s close to a city but not in a city,” Mohamedali said. “I love Kentucky because of its physical geography.”
“I would like to thank Dr. Geisman for his continuous advising, support, and faith that I could make it into med school,” Mohamedali said.
“Dr. Geisman has been there for me, putting me before his family when I desperately needed his help on my personal statement,” Mohamedali said. “He showed me how dedicated you should be to your students.”
On the first day of regular decision, Mohamedali was accepted by UK into medical school. He is undecided about what specific degree he would like to pursue. He said he feels a sense of internal satisfaction. “I would do different rotations and decide them,” he said. By pursuing a premedical track, he feels he has paved the road for other international students.
Mohamedali said his culture is very different from the United States culture. He said his country is a very conservative society. In his culture it is not common to smile at strangers, he said. The culture has a great value and respect for food and there is not a lot of waste, he said. He said he likes the free society in America.
In Tanzania, Mohamedali lived on the equator. Even though it is very hot, he lived in the coldest region of the country near Mount Kili Manjaro (the highest in Africa). “It was a natural setting,” he said, “I lived close to national parks and saw a lot of wild life.”
Although Mohamedali already knows five languages, he is currently working on Spanish, his sixth language. He speaks English, Swahili, Hindi, Urdu, and Gujrati