In a few days, the citizens of the United States will exercise one of the greatest privileges in the world. We will vote; we will choose our leaders; we will make a statement about the way government should be conducted and the role of government in our lives.
This Election Day the citizens of Northern Kentucky will choose a representative to send to the United States Congress.
This choice is clear. Geoff Davis is a proven leader. Geoff Davis has the right values and the right experience.
It’s about leadership.
Being a leader is more than just talking the talk, it’s walking the walk. Geoff Davis has proven his effective leadership at West Point, as an Army Ranger in the Middle East, and as a small businessman.
In serving as a volunteer chaplain and a reading tutor for inner-city children, Geoff has led the way for a better future.
Unlike the current Congressman, Geoff will educate us on the issues, and let us know where he stands. He won’t waffle and flip-flop based on the latest opinion poll. With Geoff Davis, his yes will remain yes, and his no will mean no.
It’s about representing the people.
Geoff Davis is 100% pro-life. That’s why the Kentucky Right to Life endorsed him, and not his opponent.
Geoff supports education, and will work hard to make our schools and universities the best in the country. Geoff thinks that local school boards know more about how to run an effective school than Washington liberals like Hillary Clinton.
Geoff knows how important manufacturing is to this region, and as a manufacturing consultant, he will make sure that high-paying American jobs are not moved out of the country.
He wants Social Security to be there for the long-term, so he’ll protect the program from tax-and-spend liberals.
After graduating from United States Military Academy and serving in the Middle East, Geoff knows that the best way to protect our country from foreign terrorism is to have the strongest, best-prepared military on the planet. He’ll invest in our nation’s armed forces, so that we can effectively respond to threats and protect our children.
It’s about a choice.
Four years ago, the current Congressman sat down for the first time in his Washington office. I don’t think he’s done anything since.
He has not represented the people of Kentucky’s Fourth District. He constantly flip-flops and waffles on the issues. He voted against the Bush tax cut eight times in procedural votes, yet he says he “fought for” the tax cut.
This Nov. 5th, the choice is clear, cast your vote for Geoff Davis for U.S. Congress.