The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

UC Berkley Campus: Please Keep God and Patriotism Out On Honoring Sept 11th……

One year ago this month, the world watched in horror as the tragedy of September 11 reached America. Muslum extremists, closely trained and financed by Bin Laden made their mark by bring down the World Trade Center and crashing planes into the Pentagon. One thing about our great nation is that we have been attacked before and unfortunately there will be those who will attempt to attack again. What is important is to not to forget that there are those who hate our freedom and our way of life, and that we Americans have always united and persevered. It is what makes us unique as a nation.

Unfortunately, there are things I wish I could forget about is the way Liberals perceive how we should honor those who suffered from terrorism. Take for instance country star Toby Keith was scratched by ABC’s Peter Jennings from a list of performers for the network’s Independence Day festivities. Keith’s song “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue” struck a hugely positive chord with country fans but received a parade of boos from the cultural elitist liberal snobs. It was just too unsophisticated in its message: “You’ll be sorry you messed with the U.S. of A./Cause we’ll put a boot in your a–/ It’s the American way.” Mr Keith was allowed on FOX to sing his song in which ABC changed it’s story and blamed it on a “scheduling error” for not having Toby Keith sing his patriotic song.

This is the dividing line separating the liberal elitist snobs from the masses. In their typical self-congratulatory fashion, the elites feel that “hooray for us nationalism” is unsophisticated too patriotic and that love of country is fodder for your typical beer drinking redneck, surely to be exploited by the evil military-industrial complex.

Let’s look at how the Liberals want to have us celebrate Sept 11th. Steve Earle, the folk-country artist is releasing his latest CD, which includes a song called “John Walker’s Blues,” which tries to imagine the life of “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh. Earle portrays Lindh thinking he would rise to Heaven “just like Jesus.” His verses pulse with Taliban empathy: “We came to fight the jihad, and our hearts were pure and strong/And when death filled the air, we all offered up prayers and prepared for our martyrdom.” NBC had no problems whatsoever in booking Mr Earle on it’s Today show.

Another wonderful example on how Liberals would rather “celebrate”: At UC Berkley, long known for it’s fondness of Conservatism views the “Star Spangled Banner” is too patriotic, divisive and political, so organizers of UC Berkeley’s day-long tribute to the victims and heroes of 9-11 are excluding it. “God Bless America” is doubly excluded. Not only is it patriotic, but it also mentions God something else that just might “offend” people….

(Besides Liberals, local Taliban and Al Quaeda officials praised UC Berkley’s response)

“We thought that may be just too political, too patriotic,” said Hazel Wong, chief organizer for the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC). “We didn’t want anything too centered on nationalism-anything that is ‘Go U.S.A.'”

Wong said the event organizers are “trying to steer away” from anything political, and that, she said, includes singing the National Anthem and displaying the red, white, and blue. She said they don’t want politics disrupting mourning and grieving.

Jessica Quindel, president of the Graduate Assembly, a key player in the planning, said the day’s events are about more than just grieving. She said the day is, in fact, about politics. And it’s not just about Sept. 11, but also the aftermath, including President Bush’s response to the terrorist attacks.

“We are trying to stay away from supporting Bush,” Quindel said. “We don’t want to isolate people on this campus who disagree with the reaction to Sept. 11.”

Quindel, a self avowed hater of the American Flag, the federal government, and the “Star Spangled Banner,” said she is still patriotic. “It depends on your definition of patriotism. Everyone has a different definition,” she said.

Of course, those who had a different definition of patriotism were present to shout down members of UC Berkley’s College Republicans when they appeared at the vigil last year. But one has to understand that “tolerance” and “acceptance” only pertain to how Liberals view it. Anything else would be some sort of Bible-thumping, Jesus freak, Joe six-pack, country hillbilly trailer park redneck who listens to Rush Limbaugh like a crazed robot…..

But then again, Liberals like the media, just don’t get it……and end up insulting anybody else who doesn’t think like they do…..