The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Paper incorrectly published letter

Dear Editor, A few weeks ago, I sent a letter to the Northerner regarding my disappointment in your choice of topics for The North Poll. No more than a day later, I called the main office and asked that my letter not be printed. After I sent the letter, new facts were brought to my attention, and it was given confirmation by a young woman in the office that my letter would not be printed. I assumed the matter was taken care of when I saw the new paper adviser to the Northerner, letting me know that due to a technical problem, my letter had just been received. She asked me if I still wanted to print it. I replied immediately stating that the matter was resolved and that my letter was not to be printed. Three days ago, a friend of mine congratulated me for having a letter to the editor printed in the online version of the paper. Today, I picked up the hard copy and was infuriated to find my letter printed. I can understand the occasional layout or editing problem, but this is an extreme example of poor journalism. The letter I wrote several weeks ago now serves no other purpose than to inflame a non-issue that The Northerner took the liberty of creating into an issue. I am requesting, at the very least a retraction of my letter and an apology.

Jenny Weddle

Dear Ms. Weddle, I apologize for running your letter. In the week prior, the glitch that our moderator spoke of caused us to get a months worth of letters to the editor that somehow were delayed when they were originally sent. I thought I had deleted your letter off our server, but unfortunately it slipped through the cracks. It was my fault and again, I apologize. Scott Wartman Editor In Chief