The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

L. A. Center helps students excel in classroom

Northern Kentucky University offers free services to help students insure academic success. The Learning Assistance Center offers academic tutoring, math assistance, and writing consultation.

Paul Ellis, director of The Learning Assistance Center, said the center is not just for students in academic trouble. He said many of the students that utilize the services are earning a C or above and are just looking to improve their grades.

According to a report from The Office of Institutional Research, most students are pleased with the center. A survey of seniors in 1998-99 showed The Learning Assistance Center received high ratings overall.

The Writing Center has been certified by the College Reading and Learning Association on three levels, regular, advanced, and master. A certified level 1 consultant has 10 documented hours of training, 25 documented hours of consulting, and a positive performance evaluation. A certified level 2 or advanced consultant has 20 documented hours of training, 50 documented hours of consulting, and a positive performance evaluation. A certified level 3 or master consultant has 30 documented hours of training, 75 documented hours of consulting, and a positive performance evaluation.

Melissa Gers, a certified level 2 consultant, said, “I can work with up to 20 students per week, but it’s usually 10.”

She said the reason for this is some students request an hour session instead of the usual half hour session.

Gers recommends that students “come in 2 weeks before an assignment is due”.

She said by doing so, students have a better chance of working with a consultant.

It also gives students a second opportunity to have their work looked over, if needed, before turning it in.

The Learning Assistance Center also offers Supplemental Instruction (SI). Ellis refers to the SI Program as an “academic support delivery system”. The SI Program is designed for difficult courses.

An SI Leader, who has already taken and passed a certain course, is enrolled in the class for the second time. The SI Leader conducts review sessions based on lecture notes and reading assignments. SI courses being offer include BIO 208, CHEM 100, PSC 100, MAH 099, and SOC 100.

The Learning Assistance Center also provides free tutoring. Some of the more frequently requested courses for tutors include accounting, biology, chemistry, history, information systems, and psychology.

Help with math courses is available in The Math Center.

Students can just drop in or call for an appointment. They should remember to bring with them any questions, problems, or homework assignments for which they are seeking help.

For more information about how to sign up for a tutor or for writing consultation, stop by BEP 230 or call 859-572-5475 and for information on The Math Center or to make an appointment, stop by ST 343 or call 859-572-5779.