Every year, the world famous Kentucky Derby holds a contest involving over one-hundred young women to select its yearly Derby Queen. This year, Northern Kentucky University senior Kristin Stoner is one of five finalists eligible for the honor.
Stoner, an elementary education major, is one of the women from 23 different colleges that applied for the honor. After initial interviews, the field was narrowed to 26. From there, the five finalists were announced on live television. According to Stoner, all 26 girls were on stage when the winners were announced.
The five finalists are referred to as the “Derby Princesses.” Each princess receives two $500 scholarships, a wardrobe for appearances (provided by Lazarus, Casual Corner and Ann Taylor’s Loft of Oxmoor Mall), and a tiara from Merkley Jewelers.
The queen will be selected on Apr. 19. The finalists names will be placed on different spots of a chance wheel. The wheel is spun, and whoever it stops on is selected as the queen.
“I was definitely surprised to be picked as one of the five,” Stoner said. “I’m definitely excited, and the scholarship money is coming right on time. Plus, who wouldn’t want a free wardrobe?”
Stoner is also excited about the opportunities that come with being a Derby Princess. Among these are two television appearances, which she has already made on local Louisville stations, a photo shoot and an appearance with the other four princesses on NBC’s Today Show. Stoner is also heavily involved on campus here at NKU. She works in admissions, is the vice-president of Delta Sigma Theta, serves as president of Black Women’s Organization and is a member of the Order of Omega Honor’s Society.