The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Juvenile crime… who’s responsible?

Is a person responsible for his or her own actions? In cases of juvenile crime, this often seems to be the question.

When dealing with adults, aside from successful pleas of insanity, the answer to this question is an undeniable “yes.”

However, when dealing with minors, this question becomes far more complicated.

How much are minors influenced by others? How many of their decisions are independently made? Are they responsible for their own conduct? Do others, such as parents, share responsibility?

The issue has been debated for years and years.

However, the debates have been narrow and one-sided, because they all were debated under the same false assumption.

For years, juvenile crime has been debated under the premise that it is bad.

In truth, it is not bad at all. As many of today’s brightest young minds will tell you, juvenile crime is a good thing.

With day-care, video games, television, and the Internet, children nowadays can practically baby-sit themselves.

This can make some parents think their children are staying out of trouble.

As long as their kids are not causing trouble, they may feel that their kids are doing fine, and that there is no need to interfere with their lives. Many experts feel that a lack of attention given to kids is a bigger problem than crime.

“Juvenile crime is a good thing, because it gives many kids the attention from their parents and society they are so desperately lacking,” said mental health major Lorie McQueary.

“It can also help to keep kids out of trouble.

If they’re in detention centers, what harm can they possibly do?

And once they make one mistake and learn from it, maybe they won’t make more in the future.”

Business management major Nick McIver said that juvenile crime is a must-have in American society.

“It’s very good for our nation’s economy,” McIver said. “It creates a certain amount of mystique about our great nation, and therefore, increases tourism.”

Tim Ferguson, an expert in self defense, concurs with McIver’s views.

“It’s great for karate teachers,” Ferguson claimed. “It keeps the dorky kids on their toes, and therefore, increases our business.

If some kids are worried about getting beat up, they’ll seek some kind of help. I think it’s not only good, but it’s a necessity.”

Juvenile crime is not only good for our economy, and our country’s great citizens, but as McIver said, it contributes to our nation’s individuality.

In short, it’s a great source of national pride.

Lori Therens, a proud citizen of our great nation, is another supporter of juvenile crime.

“Juvenile crime is as American as apple pie,” said Thernes. “It’s so simple, and so much fun. You need a handful of kids to do things like play baseball, or play basketball. Not all kids live in neighborhoods filled with other kids, and therefore can’t play team games. Crime is something you can do by yourself. You don’t have to worry about having enough participants.

If you ask me, committing crimes is the real national pastime.”

Aside from being good for the economy, good for our nation’s small business associations (such as karate schools), and advocating patriotism, there are still more benefits.

As already pointed out, crime can be a great deal of fun for a child.

“Crime, simply stated, can be a good time,” McIver said. “What’s more fun than spray painting your girlfriend’s name on a bridge? It’s not only fun, but very romantic. I don’t even see why spray painting public property is considered such a bad thing.

It gives kids a chance to express themselves, which is something they often don’t have enough opportunities to do.”

“Also, breaking into a locked facility is not an easy thing to do,” McIver continued.

“Sometimes, you have to really use your imagination to do that successfully. This encourages children to think outside the box. It’s a good life lesson, and once again, there are financial benefits. Children are not allowed to legally work at most places until they are fifteen or sixteen years old. There are very few chances for kids this age to come across money, and to start saving for the future.

“What other choices do kids have but to steal cars and knock off convenient stores? It helps their financial situation, it forces them to get creative, and it is an out and out good time. It’s a beautiful combination.”

From now on, instead of looking down on juvenile crime, maybe we should be thanking our lucky stars that such a thing exists.

It helps us in more ways than we know.