The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

The Northerner

Associated Collegiate Press Code of Ethics


To seek truth and to publish it is the two-step goal of a journalist. Though plainly stated, this process is not always simple or easy to achieve. To help journalists be true to this goal, print and online newspapers, magazines and yearbooks adopt rules and guidelines, which often include a code of ethics for their members to follow. The code contains standards of conduct and moral judgments. Some points are specific and ideally inflexible; others may be less rigid due to extenuating circumstances. Some are based on law. Once a code is adopted, it brings desirable uniformity to some degree to the news gathering process and in the group’s search for truth. The code answers questions and reminds those who operate under it that standards of honesty and performance exist. A code of ethics is not a burden; rather, a code is a useful license to practice news gathering and publishing free of much uncertainty. The code can be used by individuals to measure their work. The code can also beused to evaluate the integrity of the publication as a whole.

Readers should expect nothing less than the truth in all print and online news publications. Adoption of a code of ethics by those who publish news helps safeguard the public trust given to journalists.

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