The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

Josh Kelly

The 12 signs of the zodiac.

2021 Horoscopes: new year, new intentions

January 18, 2021

New year’s resolutions are hard to keep up with—a lot of pressure to do things, take out certain parts of your life, etc. However, with new intentions, it’s easier and gives you a broader place to apply the change in your life with less pressure. Let’s sit with the stars and allow them to tell us what area(s) in our life will have some growth this year.

Aries: Aries bring plenty of passion and energy. However, you lack understanding. This can be an understanding of emotions, perspectives, or even others’ passion. Take this year to learn how to lower your thought process and welcome others’. Be slower to present and easier to lower your guard.

Taurus: This year, you will have opportunity upon opportunity (hoping the global pandemic is gone by then). You are typically a very patient sign and, to prepare yourself for these new opportunities, you will need to practice ambition. Work as if every day could be the day the phone rings. Don’t overwork yourself now, but prepare yourself for the eventual grand opening.

Gemini: In 2020, you had a lot of time with yourself due to quarantine and physically being alone. In 2021, the stars are saying you will be growing from your past and developing into the future. Gemini is typically able to grasp abstract ideas easily and this year that’s going to be more difficult; be sure to grasp this as you start the year.

Cancer: This year, you will develop deeper relationships with people. You typically are the friend that has tons of friends but never the deepest friendship. This year, that will be changing largely. Prepare for more emotional and platonic relationships with people around you. Allow yourself to be able to gain these friendships and don’t run from them.

Leo: Leo is constantly wanting to move. The last year has been hard on you to not be able to move. Because of that, you had to adjust a lot to the new circumstances which have helped you for the better. Now, you are more able to adjust to unfamiliar situations, and this year you will be looking at how you can apply this to different parts of your life. Get ready for change.

Virgo: You do most things well and you can fake it until you make it. This year, learn that you don’t have to fake everything and you don’t have to know everything. Admit some humility this year and see where it takes you. Allow your ego and passion to step to the side for some moments to let growth come in.

Libra: Libra thrives off stability. You need to have your grasp on everything to succeed. This year, let’s allow some things to come into your life and not have to change them. Learn to take the backseat of things and provide yourself the opportunity to grow in instability. Test the waters out and see how you last in unpredictable and uncontrollable situations.

Scorpio: Communication is your key lesson this year. You will be challenged to change and update your communication patterns all year and you will have to stay on top of it. Learn to be more effective with what you say and more forthcoming with your commitments. And, when things aren’t received the way you push them to be, don’t let the usual Scorpio fury come out.

Sagittarius: Manifestation was your main theme last year. This year, you will be reaping what you sewed. Prepare yourself for the best to come and work to get there. Oftentimes, Sagittarius can be shifty and want to leave the scene, and doing so will be your downfall this year. Stay on the track of development and never let go.

Capricorn: The ever-elusive Capricorn will be pushed out of that comfort zone. The stars say there will be moments you will be pushed to be expressive and more present. You often bog yourself down with responsibilities so you will have several opportunities to open up.

Aquarius: Get ready for a year of prophecy. The groundwork has been laid out and this year a rather large burden will be lifted off your shoulder allowing for the prophecy to begin. Allow your spirit and your mind to be in accordance and move toward grand accomplishments in 2021.

Pisces: Pisces’ mind is incredibly creative. You are always moving on to the next thing and preparing for a new hit. Learn how to work in your creativity and learn how to let yourself be the freest with your ideas. There will be lots of creative blocks and other obstacles in the way and be sure to push forward.

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