The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

Abby Behrens

NKU has fully transitioned to an online university amid coronavirus concerns.

How COVID-19 affected NKU

COVID-19 has completely stopped the world.

Schools now operate online. Grocery stores are no longer open 24/7. Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn in public—even just for exercise.

Coronavirus has changed lives. Coronavirus will always be a significant moment in history. Coronavirus has changed NKU.

The Northerner wanted to document these unprecedented times by focusing on how COVID-19 has impacted NKU. Specifically, we wanted to know how students were coping with online classes. We wanted to know how professors are balancing their home lives with their work lives. We wanted to know how seniors felt about commencement being canceled for the spring. We wanted to give professors, students and faculty a platform to tell their story—how this pandemic impacted their lives.

Read on to see how essential workers feel about working during the pandemic. Read the perspectives of various NKU faculty and staff who quickly had to transition their classes, departments and organizations online. Read about how Provost Sue Ott Rowlands led NKU through COVID-19.

The Northerner hopes this package showcases NKU’s resiliency.

How Grace Gillum strengthened her mental health during quarantine
Patrolling campus during a pandemic: how officers are staying safe
Provost Sue Ott Rowlands: Leading a campus through COVID-19
‘Slightly stronger’: How Cameron Peterson is coping with quarantine
Combating isolation: Allison Weihe maintains friendships during quarantine
“Giving 110 percent:” How the SHEP program transitioned online
Sporting season may be canceled but staying fit isn’t
VIDEO: 2020 Orientation, how COVID-19 changed it
Greek life continues philanthropies, meetings and celebrations despite COVID-19
Student internships impacted by coronavirus
How professors with children are balancing their work, personal life
Campus clubs look to the future amid pandemic
Seniors petition for separate fall commencement
For many essential workers, risking our health is not a choice
‘Scared and tired’: My story of working during a pandemic
A grocery deliverer’s first-hand experience with COVID-19
GALLERY: NKY, NKU through a pandemic
How the SGA president, VP ran an online campaign
A conversation with senior Alex Navarro-Guzman
A conversation with senior Charlie Kays
A conversation with senior Janiah Miller
A conversation with senior Dylan Woodruff
A conversation with senior Chris Riehl
A conversation with senior Chinedu Asinugo
From the perspective of Allison Weihe
From the perspective of A.J. Miller
From the perspective of Dr. John Alberti
From the perspective of Dr. Kimberly Lazzeri
From the perspective of Shomari Kee
From the perspective of Trevor Browning

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