The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

Jasmine Cummins

The James C. and Rachel M. Votruba Student Union.

NKU students create Facebook group to house displaced students

March 18, 2020

Two NKU students created “Ghostlight Housing NKY” to help recently displaced NKU students find housing and other resources. 

Sophomore integrative studies major Jessica Archer and senior public relations and theatre arts major Grace Wesson were inspired by a theatre tradition where artists can request/offer a place to stay in a housing page. The students specifically based their Facebook page off  “NYC Ghostlight Housing.”

In the group, members can request/offer temporary or permanent housing. Members can also request/offer other resources they need, such as food and transportation. 

The page is open for any NKU student to join, and Archer recommends that anyone join even if they don’t necessarily need housing. 

“We encourage everyone to join, even if you have secured housing, because you never know what you might be able to offer up someone when they need something,” Archer said in an Instagram message to The Northerner. 

For more information, visit Ghostlight Housing NKY 

Jessica Archer: or DM her on Instagram 

Grace Wesson:

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