The Independent Student Newspaper of Northern Kentucky University.

Emerson Swoger

The Career Services Expo will Feb. 27 from 2-5 p.m. in the Student Union.

Career Expo to attract job-seeking students to SU

February 25, 2019

Students of different majors, backgrounds and stages of life will converge together this Wednesday to seek out career opportunities, interviewing experience and self-confidence at the Career Expo in the Student Union ballroom.

NKU alumni and students are encouraged to bring their resumes and explore the 135+ businesses that will be stationed throughout the SU ballroom Feb. 27 from 2-5 p.m.

Students newly or nearly graduated can expect to find offers in full-time positions, internships and co-ops of all fields in the job market.

“Many employers are open to students in all majors,” Associate Director of Career Services Amanda Meeker said.

According to Meeker, there are many high-level positions available for candidates with initiative, high energy and interpersonal skills—all of which can be showcased in the three minutes it takes for a student to introduce themselves to an employer at the expo.

Andrew Clark, the program manager for Education At Work, said that his company, and companies like it at the expo, specifically look for a student’s ability to talk and think on their feet.

“First impressions are absolutely everything,” Clark said.

Because of this, students are expected to dress professionally, have multiple copies of their resume on hand and be able to talk extensively about their skills and involvement on campus.

But the Career Expo isn’t just for upperclassmen and alumni. Meeker said that this career fair is the perfect place for students to look around and see just how many career paths are available for their major in the Northern Kentucky area.

“It’s a way to make a personal connection with people working in fields that interest you,” Meeker said.

Emily Newell, the Student Marketing and Communications Assistant of Career Services and a public relations major, said that career fairs like the Career Expo give students a profound insight into the professional world.

“It was a great experience to talk to employers,” Newell said. “You get a feel for the company and get the opportunity to talk about your skills. It was like a test-run for the full on ‘this is my career’ interview.”

Newell also believed that the fair provides a much-needed learning experience.

“It made me take a step back and look at my résumé,” Newell said.

Knowing just a little bit about a specific company can really put you over the edge as a candidate, too.

“When you go up to a company, they usually ask, ‘Where have you learned about us? What do you know about us?’ It’s nice for them to know that you’re interested. It really opens up the conversation,” Newell said.

Amanda Meeker agreed: “the more you know about the company, the more prepared you are, the better.”

But the Career Expo also gives power to the student by hosting the businesses in their home-court of NKU. With over 135 businesses at the fair, students can evaluate what companies and positions are best suited for them.

“You are there to assess that company,” Clark said. “You are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you.”

“Definitely get your résumé looked at because our advisers know all the ins and outs and can highlight your experience,” Newell said.

In preparation for the Career Expo, Career Services is offering last-minute résumé reviews and to answer quick questions Feb. 25 at 2:30-5:30 p.m. and Feb. 26 from 1-4 p.m. in UC 225.

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